Professor Dr. OSMAN CAN LL.M (Cologne)
Following completion of his four-year legal education at the University of Ankara in 1992, Prof. Dr. Osman CAN had begun his academic career as a research assistant at the University of Erzincan in 1993. In 1997 he got his master’s degree at the University of Cologne, Germany, after defending his thesis on “The Legal Status of President of the States in Turkish and German Constitutional Law”. It was the year 2000 when he had received a doctoral degree at public law from the University of Cologne after submitting his thesis on “The Constitutional Limits of Freedom of Thought”. In 2001 he began to work as an assistant professor of Constitutional Law at the Erzincan University Law School.
He was appointed to the Constitutional Court as a rapporteur-judge in July 2002. During this period which was considered to be the most turbulent period of Turkey’s political history, he was assigned the task of solving the critical constitutional problems.
In 2003, he founded the Turkish-German Forum for Public Law and became the coordinator of Turkey.
He conducted a research about individual applications (Constitutional Complaint) and fundamental rights in several universities in Frankfurt, Cologne and Erlangen. He worked as a visiting professor at Max-Planck-Institute for European Legal History in Frankfurt and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington D.C.
His constitutional statements on trade unions and the civil servants’ right to strike were accepted by the Constitutional Court and became its jurisprudence.
His suggestions about the denial of banning DEHAP (a Kurdish opposition party) and TSIP (a socialist opposition party), were accepted in 2005-2006.
Also in 2005, upon his opinion, the privatization of Turkish Telekom and ports became possible.
In 2006, he became an associate professor by unanimous decision of the Board of Higher Education Jury and in 2013 ordinary professor.
Also in 2006, he became an associate professor by unanimous decision of the Board of Higher Education Jury. His habilitations thesis was “The Democratizations Process and Closing of Political Parties in Turkey”.
In 2008 he was put in charge at the case in which the closure of AK Party (Ruling Party) was demanded and he suggested denial of the request. This suggestion was also accepted.
In 2010, he appeared as a co-founder of the association Democratic Judiciary, an association calling for the impartiality and plurality of the judiciary. In the same year, the Lawyers Association honored him as the “Jurist of the Year”.
Again in October 2010 he resigned from the Constitutional Court. Following the approval of the Constitutional Amendments in the 2010 referendum, he launched an initiative for a new constitution, believing that Turkey had seized the historical moment for a democratic constitution and would face serious problems if it were to be passed. The Platform for New Constitution arranged countrywide people meetings to prepare the framework for the first social contract of Republic of Turkey. He was drafter for many constitutional proposals and statements, which was taking in consideration by the “The Constitution Reconciliation Committee” of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
Since July 2011 he has been a lecturer at Marmara University Law School.
In 2011 he was awarded the “Thinker of the year” by Writers Union of Turkey.
He had the opportunity to become a Member of the Party Council of AKP (Justice and Development Party) and also a deputy of the Turkish Parliament in 2015. He had been involved in politics upon invitation as his presence was regarded as an asset throughout the busy agenda of constitution making in Turkey. As of 2015, following the cooling off of this agenda and falling back from democratic reforms, he preferred to pause his political career and returned to the University.
He was a member of the Venice Commission between 2014-2018 and Vice President of the Scientific Advisory Board from 2015.
Meanwhile, in addition to his work at Marmara University, he is a lecturer at the University of Frankfurt.
He is fluent in Turkish, German and English.
Constitutional Law, Organisational Law, Constitutional Theory, Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, Political Parties, Constitutional Jurisdiction.
- “Die Schranken der Meinungsäußerungsfreiheit nach türkischem Verfassungsrecht” (Limits of freedom of expression in turkish constitutional law), Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2001.
- “Demokratikleşme Serüveninde Anayasa ve Siyasi Partilerin Kapatılması” (Constitution and Closure of Political Parties in Period of Democratisation), Seckin Verlag, Ankara 2005
- Darbe Yargısının Sonu (The End of Coup d’Etat Justice), Timas Yay., Istanbul 2010
- Yol Ayrımında Türkiye, Statükodan Önceki Son Çıkış (Turkey at Crossroads, Last Exit Before Status quo), Timas Yay., Istanbul 2012
- Anayasanın Değiştirilemez Maddeleri ve Demokratik Kuruculuk (Inalterable Provisions of the Constitution and democratic constitution-making), Alfa Yay, Istanbul 2013
- “Siyasi Parti Kapatma Davaları” (Party closure cases), Legal Yay., Istanbul 2021.
- “Unabhängigkeit der Richter in der Türkei – juristische und metajuristische Perspektive” (Independence of Judges in Turkey – Legal and Metajuristic Perspective) in: Die Schweizer Richterzeitung (2006/2)
- “Parteiverbote in der Türkei-Instrument einer wehrhaften Demokratie? Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts (JöR) 2011, s. 635-663
- Das türkische Verfassungsgericht als Wächter der Raison d’Etat” Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Band 18 (2011).
- “Yargı Bağımsızlığı Normatif Bir Sorun mu?” (Is the Independence of Judiciary a Normative Matter?), Bülent Tanör Armağanı (In honour of Prof. Bülent Tanör), Istanbul 2006.
- “Yasadışı Grevin Anayasal Konumu” (“The Constitutional Status of Illegal Strike”), Özgürlükler Düzeni Olarak Anayasa (Constitution as an Order of Freedoms) – Fazıl Sağlam Armağanı (In honour of Prof. Fazıl Sağlam), Ankara 2006.
- “Demokrasiye Geçişte ‘Sivil Anayasa’ ya da ‘Gül’ün Yalnızca Adı mı Değişiyor?” (“Civil Constitution in Transition to Democracy / Is It Just A Change in the Name Gül?”) Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2007/3.
- “Kutsallar ve Düşünce Özgürlüğü” (“The Sacred Ones and the Freedom of Thought”), CHD (Ceza Hukuku Dergisi), Aralık 2007.
- “Anayasa Yargısında Yokluk” (“Nullity in Constitutional Jurisdiction”), Ergun Özbudun Armağanı, C II, Ankara 2008
- “Merkez-Yerel Yönetimlerin Grev ve Yetki Paylaşımına Anayasal Bakış” (“A Constitutional View of Power Sharing Between Central and Local Authorities”), A. Ülkü Azrak Armağanı (In honour of Prof Ülkü Azrak), İstanbul 2008
- “1982 Anayasasının Temel Haklar Bilânçosu ve Evrimi” (“Balance Sheet of Fundamental Rights in the Constituton of 1982 and its Evolution”), A. Ülkü Azrak Armağanı (In honour of Prof Ülkü Azrak), İstanbul 2008
- “Kamu Sendikacılığında Anayasal Güvence ve Yasal Güvencesizlik” (“Constutitonal Guarantee and Legal Precarity in Public Syndicalism”), Yılmaz Aliefendioğlu Armağanı (In honour of Prof Yılmaz Aliefendioğlu) , İstanbul 2008
- “Hukuku Özgürlükle Okumak yada TCK 301 Ne İşe Yarar? (“Reading Law Through Freedom / What Does Turkish Criminal Code – Article 301 Do?,”), Güncel Hukuk 2007/1.
- “İHAS Fetişizmi ve Anayasanın Ölçü Değerini Yitirmesi” (“The ECtHR Fetischism and the Constitution’s Losing its Standard Setting Value”), in: Hukuk Gündemi Dergisi 2006/1.
- “Yargı Bağımsızlığı ya da Titanlar Savaşı“ (“The Independence of Judiciary or a Clash of Titans ”), in: Güncel Hukuk 2006/5.
- “Vicdani Redde Anayasal Bakış” (“A Constitutional View of Conscientious Objection”), in: Hukuk Gündemi 2006/3.
- “Anayasa Değişikliklerinin Yokluğu ya da Kadüklüğü Üzerine” (“On Nullity or Caducousness of Constitutional Amendments”), Güncel Hukuk 2007/9.
- CAN, O., ŞİMŞEK AKTAŞ, D. (2017). Olağanüstü Hal Dönemi Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerin Yargısal Denetimi Üzerine. Marmara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Hukuk Araştırmaları Dergisi, 23 (1), 13-43. Retrieved from (“On the Judicial Review of Statutory Decrees Under State of Emergency”)
- Yasama Sorumsuzluğunun İşlevsizleştirilmesi (Verlust der Funktionsfähigkeit der Parlamentarischen Indemnität), Can/Simsek-Aktas, Terazi Dergisi 145, Eylül 2018.
- Dolaylı Etki ve İyi Yönetişim Işığında Anayasa Mahkemesi İçtihatlarına Dair Bazı Gözlemler (Anmerkungen zur Rechtsprechung des türkischen Verfassungsgerichts im Lichte von Mittelbaren Drittwirkung und Good Governance-Prinzip), Anayasa Yargısı 36 (2018).
- Venedik Komisyonu Raporları Işığında Anayasa Geçici Madde 20 ve Yasama Dokunulmazlığı – Enis Berberoğlu Kararı-, (Übergangsartikel 20 der Verfassung und Parlamentarische Immunität im Lichte der Berichte des Venedig-Kommission- Der Enis Berberoglu Urteil), Ali Fuat Başgil Armağanı (Festschrift), İstanbul 2019.
- “Cumhurbaşkanlığı Kararnamelerinin Hukuki Rejimi-Anayasa Mahkemesi Yaklaşımı” (Die Rechtsstellung der Präsidialverordnungen und der Ansatz des Verfasungsgerichts), Anayasa Yargısı Cilt 37, Sayı 1 (2020), s. 133-192.
- “Die Hagia-Sophia Entscheidung des türkischen Staatsrates” (The Hagia-Sophia Decision of the Turkish Council of State), Osman Can/Christian Rumpf, Europäische Grundrechte Zeitschrift (EuGRZ), 30 November 2020 (47), Heft 20-21, s. 605-616.
- “1921 Anayasasının 100. Yılı: Bir İstisnai Başarı ve Dramatik Başarısızlık Hikayesi” (100. Jahrestag der Verfassung von 1921: Die Geschichte eines außergewöhnlichen Erfolges und dramatischen Mißerfolges), Anayasa Yargısı Cilt 38, Sayı 1 (2021), s. 127-170.
- İki Meclis-İki Kuruculuk-İki Gelenek (Two Parliaments-two constituencies-two traditions) in: TBMM 100. Yıl Armağanı, Istanbul 2022
- Parti içi Demokrasi Yokluğu Parti Kapatma Nedenidir! (Absence of Intra-Party Democracy Is a Reason for the Dissolution of Political Party!), Anayasa Yargısı (Journal for Constitutional Justice) Vol. 40i Issue 1, (2023), ss. 1-60.
Chapters in Books of Professional Field
- Auslegung der Verfassung und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der Türkei (Interpretation of Constitution and Constitutional Judiciary in Turkey), in: Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre I, Lit Vlg., 2004.
- “Schutz der Staatlichen Ehre und der religiösen Gefühle in der Türkei”, (Türkiye’de Devlet Onurunun ve Dinsel Duyguların Korunması) (Protection of the State Dignity and Religous Feelings in Turkey), in: Der Schutz der Meinungsfreiheit vor dem Heiligen / Unabhängigkeit der Justiz, Münster-Berlin-Wien-Zürich-London 2008.
- “The Turkish Constitutional Court as a Defender of the Raison d’Etat” in: Constitutionalism in Islamic Countries: Between Upheaval and Continuity, Oxford University Press, London-New York 2011, 259-278.
- “Conscientious Objection and the Turkish Constitution” in: Cinar/Usterci (Eds.), Conscientious Objection, Resisting Militarized Society, Zed Books, London-New York 2009, 227-241.
- “Siyasi Partilerin Kapatılmasında Anayasal Ölçütler” (“Constitutional Criteria on Closure of Political Parties”), in: Anayasa Yargısı İncelemeleri, Ankara 2006.
- Hukuk-Özgürlük-301 (Law-Freedom-301), İfade Özgürlüğü, İlkeler ve Türkiye (Freedom of Expression, Principles and Turkey), İletişim Yay., İstanbul 2007
Editorship in Books of Professional Field
- Verfassungsinterpretation-Öffentlichkeit der Verwaltung (Interpretation of the Constitution – Transparency of Administration), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre I, Depenheuer/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2004
- Zwischen Saekularitaet und Laizismus (Between Secularity and laicism), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre II, Depenheuer/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2005
- Auf dem Weg zu gemeinsamen europäischen Grundrechtsstandards (Towards a European Common Standard of Fundamental Rights), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre III, Depenheuer/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2007
- Freiheit im Zeitalter des Terrorismus / Verfassungsbeschwerde (Freedom in the age of terrorism) – Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre IV, Depenheuer/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg., Münster 2006
- Umgang mit religiösen Minderheiten / Übertragung von Hoheitsrechten im Spannungsverhältnis zur nationalen Souvärenität (State of Religious Minorities / Transferring of Sovereign Authorities with Respect to National Sovereignty), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre V, Depenheuer/Dogan/Can (Ed.), Lit Vlg., 2006.
- Özgürlükler Düzeni olarak Anayasa-Verfassung als Freiheitsorgnung (Consitution as Freedom Order) Fazıl Sağlam’a Armağan (In honour of Prof Fazıl Sağlam), Can/Azrak/Sabuncu/Depenheuer/Sachs (Eds.) İmaj Yay., Ankara 2006
- Der Schutz staatlicher Ehre und religiöser Gefühle und die Unabhaengigkeit der Justiz (Protection of State Honor and religious feelings and Independency of the Judiciary), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre VI, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2008.
- Staatliche Finanzmarktregulierung und Eigentumschutz, Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre VII, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2010.
- Das Recht der öffentlichen Unternehmen und der öffentlich-rechtlichen Banken (Public Enterprise Law and Public Bank Law), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatsrechtslehre VIII, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds), Lit Vlg. 2012
- Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungstheorie (Constitution Making and Constitutional Theory), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre IX, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds.), Lit Vlg. 2012.
- Der Schutz der ethnischen Minderheiten in der Türkei und die Dezentralisation der Staatsorganisation (Protection of ethnic minorities in Turkey and Decentralisation of State Organisation), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre XIII, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds.), Lit Vlg. 2014.
- Grundlagen der Selbstverwaltung (Fundamentals of Selfadministration), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre XIV, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds.), Lit Vlg. 2016.
- Die Sicherung der Geldwert- und Finanzstabilitaet in Deutschland und in der Türkei, Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre XV, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds.), Lit Vlg. 2016.
- Regierungssysteme im Lichte von “Checks and Balances” (Governmental Systems in the Light of “Checks and Balances”), Deutsch-Türkisches Forum für Staatslehre XVI, Scherzberg/Dogan/Can (Eds.), Lit Vlg. 2016.
- Eine Bilanz der Revolution aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive, mit Beachtung der nichtmuslimischen Minderheiten. Revolution İslamischen Rechts: 80 Jahre schweizerisches ZGB in der Türkei, Fribourg-CH (21.10.2006)
- Hukuk, Özgürlük ve TCK 301, Uluslararası Konferans: İfade Özgürlüğü- İlkeler ve Türkiye, SBF-Ankara, (30.11. -2.12.2006).
- Vicdani Ret ve Anayasa, Uluslararası Vicdani Ret Konferansı, Istanbul (27-28.01.2007).
- Schutz der Staatlichen Ehre und der religiösen Gefühle in der Türkei, Deutsch-Türkische Staatsrechtlertagung, Antalya (26-27.10.2007).
- Anayasanın Değiştirilmez Hükümlerinin Değeri ve Denetimi, Bilkent Üniversitesi-Ankara, (11.11.2008)
- Özelleştirmeler ve Anayasa: Bir Liberal Dönüşüm Serüveni Privatisations and the Constitution; A Journey of Liberal Transition), Uluslararası Ankara Barosu Hukuk Kurultayı, (January 2008)
- Verfassungskrise und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit. Reformbedarf der türkischen Verfassungsordnung, Berlin (13. 11.2008)
- „Wirtschaft, Recht und soziale Gerechtigkeit in einem säkularen muslimischen Staat: der Fall der Türkei“, VIII. Völkerrechtskonferenz, Die national- und internationalrechtliche Verankerung der Prinzipien der Soz. Marktwirtschaft, Bonn (11-12.11.2010).
- Türkei vor den Wahlen, Demokratisierung, Menschenrechte und Minderheiten, Berlin (31.5.2011)
- Türk Anayasa Düzeninde İktidar Haritası: Felaketler, Dersler (Map of Power in Turkish Constitutional Order; Disasters and Lessons), Uluslararası Anayasa Kongresi, (22-23.10.2011)
- Tutelage and Democratic Representation, Brussel, European Parliament Panel (20.3.2012)
- Civil Constitution and the Governmental Models, Ajou University, South Korea (18.5.2012)
- Constitutional Developments in Turkey, Southern University Baton Rouge, Louisiana – USA (23.9.2013)
- Structural Changes Ahead of 2015 General Elections in Turkey, CEFTUS Westminster Debate, London-England (23.2.2015).
- Turkey at Crossroads of Fundamental Decisions: Constitutional Developments and the Future of Democracy in Turkey. University of Barcelona – Spain, (29.11.2016)
- Majority – Opposition Interaction: The Turkish Experience. Bucharest – Romania, (07.04.2017)
- The Constitution As An Instrument of Social Engineering. Astana – Kazakhstan, (29.08.2017).
- Transitioning Towards a Presidential System under a State of Emergency (CEFTUS-RUSI Roundtable), London-England (9.10.2017)
- The Way to Meet Future Prospects: A Sustainable Political Construction, Erbil-Irak (23-25. October 2022)
- Workshop on Draft Constitution of Iraqi Kurdistan, Frankfurt a.M. (7-9 December 2023)
University of Erzincan (2000-2002) (Constitutional Law, Human Rights)
University of Ufuk (2003-2007) (Constitutional Law)
University of Cankaya (2003-2008) (Political Powers)
University of TOBB ETU (2008-2009) (Political Sociology)
University of TOBB ETU (2008-2009) (Constitutional Law and Political Institutions)
University of Fatih (2011-2012) (Constitutional Law)
University of Marmara (2011-…) (Constitutional Law)
University of Freiburg (2022-24) (Turkish Constitutional Law)
University of Frankfurt (2023-) (Turkish Constitutional System)
1. Three-month research in Cologne, Germany by DAAD
2. Three-month research in University of Erlangen by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
3. Three-month research in Frankfurt Max-Planck-Institute by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
4. Three-month research in Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, USA
5. Three-month research in Freiburg, Germany by DAAD
Deutsch-Türkisches Staatsrechtlerforum (Turkish-German Forum for Public Law – Co-Founder)
Istanbul Bar Association